Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gifts (Proverbs 18:16)

In life, we are all given gifts. How are you going to use yours?

"A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." Proverbs 18:16, Amplified

When I read this verse, I am first overcome with the idea of spiritual gifts. However, this could cover either the physical or the spiritual, but leaning more toward the spiritual.
As for the physical aspects of this verse, I would have to say that I feel everyone loves to receive gifts. I do not know that I brought a gift to Barak Obama ( I know this is a really poor choice of person) that it would necessarily bring me before his presence. I suppose the magnitude of the gift would play a tremendous part. Jacob understood this concept. After years of fleeing from his brother Esau because of the deception and the stealing of the first born blessing, he was about to meet Esau. He had decided to placate him with many gifts before they actually met again.
Concerning the spiritual side of things, I have read and heard many different stories about the gifts of God bringing Christians before great men. Even before there was Christianity, the Lord was bringing His children before great men. All you have to do is flip through your Old Testament. Remember the story of Daniel and the lion's den. The knowledge that the Lord had bestowed upon him was the gift (as well as prophecy) that he brought before the king since he was an advisor. Even long before that I am reminded of Joseph. He was given the gift of dream interpretation. Though his gift landed him in severe trouble, he was still faithful to the Lord and kept using his gift. It landed him before the Pharoh, saved a nation and made him the second in command of a nation.
Whatever gift you possess, be faithful in it. Use it the way the Lord intended. There may come a day when it lands you before great men.

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