Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discipline III (Proverbs 23:13-14)

Discipline is a sore subject in America. Some believe that if you discipline your child, it will ruin his or her self image and therefore effect the child's self esteem. Others call it abuse. What does the Bible say?

"Withhold not discipline from the child, for if you strike and punish him with the [reed-like] rod, he will not die. You shall whip him with the rod and deliver his life from Sheol [Hades, the place of the dead]." Proverbs 23:13-14, Amplified

The Bible encourages physical discipline, but not abuse. There is a line within the parents heart that must be drawn and they must understand that the "whipping"is for the infraction of the familial law established within the household. I was spanked growing up. It was just a part of the American way of life. Somewhere along the line, however, the American public have lost sight of that. Somewhere along the line the American public broke the covenant with the Lord. No longer can we call ourselves a Christian nation, rather we are a nation for all religions and all ways of thinking and all belief systems. America is on the fast track to hell and she is dragging her youth with her.
I do not encourage physical discipline myself. I know how I discipline my children and that works for me. Is it physical sometimes? Yes. Do I beat my kids? No. But as I said you must find that balance within yourself.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Read it and Heed it (Proverbs 23:12)

It takes work to do well in this life. It also takes work for us to do well and finish well in our walk of faith.

"Apply your mind to instruction and correction, and your ears to the words of knowledge." Proverbs 23:12, Amplified

Instruction is good for nothing if the hearer does not apply what he has been instructed to do. It is like the instruction manual in a toy that I have bought my child. It will do me no good unless I read what the makers of the toy have written. Usually, I just throw the directions aside and do my best to get through the process. I remember, last Christmas, my wife had bought my son an Optimus Prime transformer toy. Even with the instructions it was difficult for me to navigate the process of transformation.
The Bible is never like that. Every time we read it, the instruction is clear and precise. There is no confusion as to what needs to be in our walks. But that newly found knowledge and instruction needs to be applied in our lives. As powerful a book as the Bible is, it is good for nothing if we do not read it and heed it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Landmark and the Fatherless (Proverbs 23:10-11)

In Proverbs chapter 22, the ancient landmark was covered. Here the Lord brings it up again because it is important.

"Remove not the old landmark and enter not into the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is mighty; He will plead their cause against you." Proverbs 23:10-11, Amplified

As stated before, the landmark was placed in order to spur questions as to why it was first erected. This kept the oral traditions fresh within the nation. But here the Lord inspires Solomon to add more to the verse and say that the fields of the fatherless are also protected. Why the fatherless? Because they have no one to speak for them and protect them. This is one of the great attributes of the Lord, He will become the advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Who is the Fool (Proverbs 23:9)

For some, wisdom is not a thing that is desirable and we should be sure to keep our mouths shut because we will be despised.

"Speak not in the ears of a [self-confident] fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words." Proverbs 23:9, Amplified

Who is the fool? "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (Psalm 14:1, NKJV) "For the foolish person will speak foolishness, and his heart will work iniquity: to practice ungodliness, to utter error against the Lord, to keep the hungry unsatisfied and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail." (Isaiah 32:6, NKJV) The fool cares nothing about being corrected for his heart and mind have become so twisted by his own desires and selfishness.
Does this mean that we should not try to correct and witness to these people. No. The Gospel was sent to everyone. The Gospel is for everybody. We need to be wise as serpents, however, and understand to whom we are speaking.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Miser (Proverbs 23:6-8)

To dine, or participate in any activity with a person who is miserly will always come to bite you in the butt.

"Eat not the bread of him who has a hard, grudging and envious eye, neither desire his dainty foods; for as he thinks in his heart, so is he. As one who reckons he says to you, eat and drink, yet his heart is not with you [but is grudging the cost]." Proverbs 23:6-7, Amplified

So the miser, as we learn in this verse is also an envious man. All he wants is more of what he has an would much rather you get what you want or need elsewhere. There is no good company found with the miser. So in essence as you eat, or enjoy yourself in whatever activity, the miser dislikes you because he is constantly counting the cost. And the more you eat and enjoy the more he dislikes you.

"The morsel which you have eaten you will vomit up, and your complimentary words will be wasted." Proverbs 23:8, Amplified

What the apparent meaning of this verse is that as you eat and enjoy from the hand of the miser, you may find that he has given to you grudgingly and that will vomit up what you have eaten. I know that I myself have been placed into this situation. I was hanging out with a guy who I thought was my friend and the more time I spent with him, the more I realized he did not want me there. Once I came to this knowledge, there were no words that I could say that would rectify the situation.
The same can be said about the miser in this verse. As you come to the knowledge that he really does not want you there, there will be no words to make him feel better.