There is one thing that a young man needs from his father, advice on the opposite sex. As a young man goes through puberty, changes begin happening in his body. One danger is falling into the arms of a woman with no discretion, an immoral woman. In Genesis chapter 2 the Moses wrote, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24, NKJV) This is speaking of a sexual relationship, intertwining souls; a relationship which should only exist between a man and his wife. Solomon understood this and gave his son words of wisdom.
"My son, be attentive to my wisdom [learned by actual and costly experience], and incline your ear to my understanding [of what is becoming and prudent for you]; that you may exercise proper discrimination and discretion, and your lips guard and keep knowledge and the wise answer [to temptation]. Proverbs 5:1-2, Amplified
Solomon had very good experience in this. He had 300 wives and 700 concubines. There was one however that took his fancy. He even wrote a love song about her, we know it as the Song of Solomon or the Song of Songs. The danger with having so many wives, or even just one who is not of the same faith, is that your spiritual life comes into extreme danger. But Solomon is not even speaking about wives here, he tells his son of the immoral woman. Solomon was a man given over to love allowing himself to slip into league with immoral woman, costing him his spiritual life. Ecclesiastes is a book written at the end of Solomon's life, a life lived while slipping away from the Lord.
Solomon wanted his son to have the ability to not make the same mistakes that he had made. Temptation is a horrible thing when one does not understand how to overcome it. But it can also be a great tool used to build a stronger relationship with the Lord; a constant sacrificing of the flesh.
For the lips of a loose woman drip honey as a honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil..." Proverbs 5:3, Amplified
The idea of temptation is that it is something that our bodies or minds cannot live without. Think of it like using drugs. First you have another person who who is able to converse with you, able to convince you of the benefits of using this drug. After the initial use, the body, or mind, may become addicted to the drug and need more and more. You see, the same amount will soon not be enough; just a little bit more, then a little bit more.
The immoral woman has the sweetest lips imaginable, sweet as honey. Honey is a very natural item just as sex is a very natural urge, but each has its place. Honey can be very harmful to an infant because it contains clostridium botulinum. It is an endospore that can cause infant botulism. Just think of it like this, one must mature into marriage, before marriage we are still just infants, babies in danger of death.
She is sweet and slippery. She is able to drag a man down because she knows how to speak to him, she understands his weaknesses.
"But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged and devouring sword." Proverbs 5:4, Amplified
This word "wormwood" is used nine times throughout the entire Bible, seven in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament. It is always in a negative sense as well. Wormwood can be used to describe a curse or a poison. The whole purpose of either one is to destroy a person. The immoral woman has no care of spiritual well being, nor does she care for your well being.
"Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold of Sheol (Hades) - the place of the dead. She looses sight of and walks not in the path of life; her ways wind about aimlessly, and you cannot know them." Proverbs 5:5-6, Amplified
She leads only toward death. As you take her hand, you begin a journey toward hell. The wormwood is ingested and kills from the inside out. The way of an immoral woman is a slow death. Many men have tried and failed to bring her back to the paths of life, but her ways are unstable and unknown to us. Her direction is true and straight, her course is set. She is like the farmer plowing a straight row in the field. Her eyes are fixed in one placed, she does not lose sight of her goal.
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