Friday, September 18, 2009

Keeping the Words of Wisdom (Proverbs 7:1-5)

I find it interesting that the Lord constantly prompted Solomon to remind his son to keep the words of knowledge. It seems that in every chapter so far Solomon reminds his son to keep his words close to his heart. I think what a child fails to understand at times is that a parent does not speak repetitively just to hear themselves speak, but to cause the child to remember. Solomon is going to suffix this idea of keeping the the words of knowledge close to heart by talking about a young man that he saw who was seduced by a harlot. That story will be covered tomorrow, but for today we will focus on keeping the words of knowledge.

"My Son, keep my words; lay up with you my commandments [for use when needed] and treasure them." Proverbs 7:1, Amplified

I work in a Christian school and every day I hear the children going over their memory verses. One of the keys to memory is repetition. When it comes to the Word of God if we were just faithful to read the Word for ourselves daily, then that remembrance would come to us like it were a second nature. "Now when they bring you tot he synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." (Luke 12:11-12, NKJV)
But from what knowledge will the Holy Spirit draw from? The well of your heart must be filled from an outside source.

"Keep my commands and live, and keep my law and teaching as the apple (the pupil) of your eye." Proverbs 7:2, Amplified

The pupil of the eye is extremely sensitive. When anything is coming toward the face, a person will close their eyes to protect the pupil. It has been said that the eye is the widow to the soul. Could it be that Solomon is suggesting to keep that door maintained, uncluttered?

"Bind them upon your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart." Proverbs 7:3, Amplified

The is familiar language with a new twist. We have heard twice now to bind the commandments around the neck. Today, however, we are told to bind them upon our fingers. Our hands should always be busy doing something. As we go about during the day with the Word bound to our fingers, everything that we do will be blessed, for it will be touched by God. Not that I am God, but I am that vessel that He has chosen to use. Idle hands are the devils playground, be busy with the Lords work.

"Say to skillful and godly Wisdom, You are my sister, and regard understanding or insight as your intimate friend; that they ay keep you from the loose woman, from the adventuress who flatters and makes smooth her words." Proverbs 7:4-5, Amplified

We are promised that if we keep the Word of God, then the Word of God will keep us. Hide the Word in your heart and that same Word will publicly protect you. Make a stand for the right thing. Become so familiar with the Word that any form of sin will be extremely foreign and uncomfortable. Keep and be kept. Ignore and be left. Guard and be guarded. Abandon and feel abandoned. These are all spiritual truths.

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