Monday, September 14, 2009

The End is Already Written (Proverbs 6:12-15)

There are certain people in this world that are continually devising evil things. Their thought processes tend to sway toward evil. They continually make choices that are contrary to God. It seems as though these people eat, drink and breathe evil and wickedness. Though they seem to prosper, their end is near.

"A worthless person, a wicked man is he who goes about with a perverse [contrary, wayward] mouth." Proverbs 6:12, Amplified

To call a man worthless is quite a harsh thing to say. What would make a man worthless? Something that is worthless is something that has no value. But even this idea of value can be viewed two different ways. First is the monetary value placed upon the item. A car for instance; lets say that a person goes out and buys a brand new Corvette. They drive this Corvette all over then decide to park it. Let us say for the sake of argument that this person parks his car next to my Mazda. My Mazda was given to me for one dollar. It is not the prettiest car in the world but she does get me where I need to go. Any person walking by our two vehicles can look and place a value on both cars. They would automatically assume that the Corvette was the more valuable of the two vehicles and they would be right.
Secondly, there is a value placed on things simply because they are important to the person. My comic book collection is not the most intricate or most expensive, but to me, it has tremendous value. I have spent a lot of time and effort to acquire these comic books and have constantly tracked their value. To me they are valuable because they are a passion of mine. I love my comic books.
Now the worthless man would fall into both categories. He was neither bought with the blood of Jesus nor is there any intimacy between him and the Lord. The Lord has not spent any real time with the worthless man for Him to have placed any value on him. The man's own wickedness has kept that value from being placed on himself.

"He winks with his eyes, he speaks by shuffling or tapping with his feet, he makes signs [to mislead and deceive] and teaches with his fingers." Proverbs 6:13, Amplified

Even the very body language of the worthless and wicked man. The wicked man does not even need to speak to lead someone astray. Winking with the eye has always been linked to deception. Shuffling or tapping of the feet speaks of a person way of life; where they go and what they do. The making of the signs is something not mentioned in the original text, the wicked man also teaches with his finger. He points and directs people astray, not with words but with gestures.

"Willful and contrary in his heart, he devises trouble, vexation and evil continually; he lets loose discord and sows it." Proverbs 6:14, Amplified

Again, this is a reiteration of verse twelve. Evil is a constant part of his lifestyle. But we have something new added. He sows discord. Discord is a form of confusion; it is taking two like minds and turning one against the other. Just think of it like that one friend who has driven a wedge between you and another friend vying for your attention.

"Therefore upon him shall the crushing weight of calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken and that without remedy." Proverbs 6:15, Amplified

Though the wicked man seems to be prospering, know that his end is already written. A man who devises evil continually will soon be consumed by it. This is a truism that even nonbelievers know and understand. His end is soon. I think of a couple individuals in the Bible when ever I read this verse and others like it. Ahithophel was King David's chief advisor, he was also the grandfather of Bathsheba. (II Samuel 11:3, II Samuel 23:34) When Absolom took the kingdom from David, Ahithophel also followed Absolom. Ahithophel advised Absolom on how to overcome his father. However, David had friends on the inside still and soon Ahithophel's advice was not being heeded anymore. Ahithophel killed himself, an end without remedy. Another person that comes to mind is Judas. After betraying Jesus, Judas hung himself for what he had done. An end without remedy.

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