Saturday, September 26, 2009

Distinguishing Dialects (Proverbs 9:1-6)

Wisdom and folly have a similar agenda, both wish to convert humanity. What I mean by this is that either one calls out desiring to grab hold of our hearts. We must then learn how to distinguish between the two. It is like having a gentleman from England and a gentleman from Australia standing in front of you. Not knowing where either is from, can you determine the home land of either? The process may be difficult, but it is possible. Each accent differs from the other. Wisdom and folly are the same way, only the message differs slightly.

"Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out out and set up her seven [perfect number of] pillars." Proverbs 9:1, Amplified

Wisdom has prepared a place for humanity to reside. The house is built on seven pillars, perhaps on center pillar with six peripheral pillars, each one dependent on the other. Seven is the number of perfection or completion. Seven days complete one week; seven color make up the rainbow - white light breaks down into red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. But what are the seven pillars that make up the house of wisdom? "But wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." (James 3:17, NKJV) I do not believe in coincidences in the Bible, I believe that James wrote under the inspiration of the Spirit and this Easter egg was placed here for us to find.

"She has killed her beasts, she has mixed her [spiritual] wine, she has also set her table." Proverbs 9:2, Amplified

There is a feast being prepared for the recipients of wisdom. A certain reward awaits humanity when it heeds the call of wisdom. But even before the call goes out to humanity, wisdom prepares the feat. True wisdom prepares, how many can someone expect to heed the call of wisdom? It is unknown, yet wisdom takes the opportunity to prepare.

"She has sent out her maids to cry from the highest places of the town, Whoever is simple [easily led astray, wavering], let him turn in here! As for him who lacks understanding, [God's] Wisdom says to him, Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the [spiritual] wine which I have mixed." Proverbs 9:3-5, Amplified

In the New King James version of the Bible, verses 4 and 16 are identical. This is where we need to differentiate the dialects. Both calls appeal to the simple. Both calls cater to those who do not understand. It is the result of heeding the call that separates the two. I will not give away the result of heeding folly, yet. However, if the call of wisdom is heeded then a feast ha already been prepared for humanity to partake in. Time and effort has gone into this preparation as well as skill and care.

"Leave off, simple ones - forsake the foolish and simple-minded - and live! And walk in the way of insight and understanding." Proverbs 9:6, Amplified

When the call of wisdom is heeded, a lifestyle change must take place. Notice how those who heeded are not called wise as of yet. She tells the simple to "leave off". Wisdom takes time to cultivate in the hearts and minds of men. But to initiate that cultivation one must begin with some outside influences. Forsake the simple-minded around you. There are those who are not as like-minded as you and would throw stumbling blocks in your path. To forsake the simple-minded leaves all the more room for the voice of wisdom. Less static translates to better reception.

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