We have covered the call of wisdom in this chapter, and as we end this chapter we will cover the call of foolishness. I tis interesting, as we will find, that Solomon translates the call of foolishness the same as eh does the call of wisdom. I visited this idea in the blog entry, "Distinguishing Dialects".
"The foolish woman is noisy; she is simple and open to all forms of evil; she [willfully and recklessly] knows nothing whatever [of eternal value]." Proverbs 9:13, Amplified
It is not necessarily the words of either wisdom or foolishness that we need to immediately concern ourselves with. Rather the actions of either will be sufficient in determining which path to follow. Wisdom prepares a place of long term lodging, she gets things ready for us. Wisdom sends her servants out to invite us all to a feast. Foolishness, however, is loud and obnoxious. She cares nothing about the eternal value of things and she is focused solely on evil. There is no mistaking foolishness and wisdom when we take heed to the action that each one takes in life. But if we do not perform our due diligence, then we too are in danger of being ensnared by the wiles of foolishness.
"For she sits at the door of her house, or on a seat in the conspicuous places of the town, calling to those who pass by, who go uprightly in their way..." Proverbs 9:14-15, Amplified
Foolishness is lazy and expects others to complete the tasks of evil and frivolity for her. She sits at the door of her own house and calls to those who pass by. But everyone is not her demographic. she targets those who go uprightly in their way. Those who have already been ensnared by the wiles of the devil have no need for foolishness to seek them out. She targets only those who are on a different path, a better path. It is like those new commercials on television for MGD 64. There are only 64 calories in this particular beer, but if you were to get only 64 calories in any other drink, then you would really receive nothing. So please drink this beer, because it is healthier than any other alternative and you get a whole bottle's worth. Marketers know how to market and push their product. They speak in a language that certain consumers can understand. They appeal to a certain mindset. This commercial is geared toward those who are health conscious but wish to have a more fun social life. MGD 64 promises to bring that fun, without the hassle of weight gain.
"Whoever is simple, wavering and easily led astray, let him turn in here! And as for him who lacks understanding, she says to him..." Proverbs 9:16, Amplified
This is where we must put two and two together. The message of wisdom and folly are identical (though in this version of the Bible they differ slightly). It is the action of the two that we must pay heed to, then make a decision and follow the voice of the one that we choose. I pray that the choice will always be for wisdom. But the message of foolishness does not end here.
"Stolen waters [pleasures] are sweet [because they are forbidden], and bread eaten in secret is pleasant." Proverbs 9:17, Amplified
There is something alluring about doing what is wrong. The forbidden things in life seem to be all the more sweet because of the nature of sin. I will have to say that in my own experience I have to say that this is a very true statement. There have been times that I have felt the pleasures of sin in secret and enjoyed every minute of it because it was taboo. But what foolishness refuses to disclose, is that emptiness fills the soul of one given over to sin. It soon becomes a race to fill that void with stolen bread. It is impossible. Wisdom, however, has a feast where there is meat and wine available to the consumer. There is substance to the things that wisdom offers, whereas foolishness will offer nothing of her own invention.
"But he does not know that the shades of the dead are there [specters haunting the scene of past transgressions], and that her invited guests are [already sunk] in the depths of Sheol [the lower world, Hades]." Proverbs 9:18, Amplified
If our due diligence is not performed when both wisdom and foolishness call, then we can expect to fall into the clutches of foolishness. It is our nature to turn in a different direction than God. All who have partaken in certain lifestyles that sin offers have died, but the pleasures of the moment overcome the stories of the past. Sinners partaking in sin do not think that the same end will come upon them, but I am here to say that things have not changed in a long time. When we think of Sodom we think of sexual sin, am I right? But the true sin of Sodom was listed for us in Ezekiel, "Look, this was the iniquity of you sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit." (Ezekiel 16:49-50, NKJV) This sin that is normally attributed to Sodom is actually listed very last.
The point that I am trying to make is that foolishness will distract in anyway possible. As long as you are better than the next guy, then you are not that bad. To partake in any of the stolen water or bread of folly is truly a mistake. Pleasures last a moment, but the teachings of wisdom last a lifetime.
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