Monday, September 13, 2010

Focus II (Proverbs 21:8)

There is a vast difference in the paths of the wicked and the pure.

"The way of the guilty is exceedingly crooked, but as for the pure, his work is right and his conduct is straight." Proverbs 21:8, Amplified

The way of the guilty is only crooked because he is constantly trying to find a new path to try and keep him from being caught and found out. His focus is all off. But the pure, his path is straight because his focus is on the Lord. There was a farmer once who had the straightest furrows in the county. When asked how he plowed such straight furrows, his answer was very simple. "I find something to focus on at the end of the field and I never keep my eyes off of it, for if I do, my furrows will become crooked." It is all about what our focus is upon. If we keep our eyes glued to the Lord, then ours paths will be straight and pure.

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