Saturday, August 8, 2009

Narrow is the Way

Following Christ has never been the popular decision. There are many followers, yes, but the world as a whole has not made this decision. There are two different paths that we can take in life and the Lord lays them out for us in these next two verses.

"Enter by the narrow gate..." Matthew 7:13a, NKJV

The original King James version uses the word strait instead of narrow to describe the way to Christ. A strait is a narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Christ is that narrow passage between this world and heaven. Charles Spurgeon wrote of the narrow gate as well and stated that "it demands for self denial and strictness of obedience, and watchfulness of spirit." Choosing Christ is never the easiest or the most popular thing to do. Everything in nature follows a path of least resistance. If there is any friction or difficulty then there must be another easier way, and there is.

"...for wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and there are many who go on it." Matthew 7:13b, NKJV

The other way is broad, wide and much easier to navigate. I get an image of a broad path and friends being able to walk side by side. It is much easier to go in any direction as long as you have company. Following the Lord has a singularity of spirit with it; it is a very private and personal journey. However, the much easier gate is wide and popular. There have been various different movements in America that have left empty hearts and broken lives, but they were popular at the time. Even in the religious corners of America, death and destruction has been the ultimate end. Different religious leaders lead their followers down a wide path like Jim Jones, Applewhite or Koresh. Think of the path that you are on; is the path wide, is it popular?

"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:14, NKJV

Again, Jesus revisits the narrow gate. The world around us gives us examples of this spiritual truth. Think of the birth canal. The mother goes into labor and forces her child through a strait of flesh into life.
In the original King James, the word difficult is replaced with narrow. Very interesting. This word narrow can be defined as hardship or tribulation. We can even go as to say that it is a pressing like we see with grapes.
The word find is also very interesting. it means "to find by inquiry, thought, examination, scrutiny, observation or to find by practice and experience." Most who inquire about the Lord decide that He is not right for them. Others who think about the life they must lead decide another way is better. If we open the gate to examination most find it to be unappealing. And still others find it through practice and experience. How did you find the gate?

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