Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discipline III (Proverbs 23:13-14)

Discipline is a sore subject in America. Some believe that if you discipline your child, it will ruin his or her self image and therefore effect the child's self esteem. Others call it abuse. What does the Bible say?

"Withhold not discipline from the child, for if you strike and punish him with the [reed-like] rod, he will not die. You shall whip him with the rod and deliver his life from Sheol [Hades, the place of the dead]." Proverbs 23:13-14, Amplified

The Bible encourages physical discipline, but not abuse. There is a line within the parents heart that must be drawn and they must understand that the "whipping"is for the infraction of the familial law established within the household. I was spanked growing up. It was just a part of the American way of life. Somewhere along the line, however, the American public have lost sight of that. Somewhere along the line the American public broke the covenant with the Lord. No longer can we call ourselves a Christian nation, rather we are a nation for all religions and all ways of thinking and all belief systems. America is on the fast track to hell and she is dragging her youth with her.
I do not encourage physical discipline myself. I know how I discipline my children and that works for me. Is it physical sometimes? Yes. Do I beat my kids? No. But as I said you must find that balance within yourself.

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