To be prudent is to show an active care or interest in the future. I know this is a subject and a definition that has already been covered in these studies, but the book of Proverbs often broaches subject matter more than once. Repetition is usually indicative of the need to hear. In other words, the more the Lord says it, the more important it must be for us to hear.
"The wise in heart shall be called prudent, understanding and knowing; and winsome speech increases learning [in both speaker and listener]." Proverbs 16:21, Amplified
Wisdom brings about a great respect from other persons. In the book of First Kings in chapter three, Solomon is visited by the Lord. The Lord offers him anything that he might request. Solomon chooses wisdom over everything including riches and fame. In his first wise act, Solomon is confronted with two women who claim that one baby is both of their own. They each claimed that the other had killed the other baby in their sleep. Solomon proposes that he cut the baby in half in order to satisfy both women. It was the compassion of one of the woman that exposed her as the real mother. After that it was said that Solomon's fame grew. Solomon wrote more than just these proverbs that we read in these thirty-one chapters.
What the Amplified Version calls "winsome speech" the New King James calls "sweetness of the lips". This is not necessarily a discrepancy in texts since both have similar meaning. To be winsome means to be attractive or appealing sweetness is mostly always attractive to audiences. When speech is sweet, more people will tend to listen. I do not agree with those who want to stand on corners with megaphones and preach hellfire and brimstone. I do believe there is a time and a place for such teaching, but this is not what draws people to Jesus. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." God was in the position to be wrathful and vengeful, but He chose love. God was in the position to punish, but He chose the sacrifice of His Son. God did not have to love, He wanted to love. Life without Christ does end in death and hellfire and brimstone, yes, but His focus on the earth was love. The world needs to understand why it does not have to go to hell. Sweetness will draw men to Jesus. Sweetness will allow for us to know and understand our God more.
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