We, as Christians, are called to look after the orphans and the widows for they have no one to look after them.
"The Lord tears down the house of the proud, but He makes secure the boundaries of the [consecrated] widow." Proverbs 15:25, Amplified
The Lord has called us as Christians to look after the orphan and the widow. It is not a suggestion, it is commanded, "Pure and undefiled religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and keep oneself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27, NKJV) If we do not live up to what the Lord expects us to do, then He will do as He feels best. (I am not saying that we have the ability to live up to what the Lord asks, rather I am speaking of the choices and effort that we make to do those things that the Lord commands.) If he cannot find anyone who is faithful, He will taker matters into His own hands. When the Lord returns, what will He find us doing? Will we be the representation of Christ that He wants us to be? Or will our house be like that of the proud, ready to tear down? The Lord is faithful to those who do not have the strength within themselves. He is the strength for the weak. He is the hope for the hopeless.
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