To receive any form of correction is hard for anyone to receive. But if you look at things in a different fashion, you would see that it happens more often than you think. Coaches do it to players. Bosses do it to employees. Parents do it to children. Teachers do it to students. So why then is it so hard to receive correction from a religious stand point? Why is it harder to receive rebuke and correction from the Lord?
"The ear that listens to the reproof that leads to or gives life will remain among the wise." Proverbs 15:31, Amplified
There is a correction or a reproof that does not lead to life. By definition, correction is usually associated with the positive. But what of those people who correct good behavior to replace it with bad? Some of us have had those friends that try to convince us it is okay to bend the rules a little bit. Those who follow such correction end up in the way of fools. But the correction that rights wrongs, that turns unrighteousness into righteousness is always the better choice. Every choice that we make has the ability to impact eternity.
"He who refuses and ignores instruction and correction despises himself, but he who heeds reproof gets understanding." Proverbs 15:32, Amplified
The Bible is not talking about a self loather here but by action one shows that he cares not for his well being. That well being could be the temporal or the eternal. Take for instance the one who sleeps around. He knows that the more he sleeps around the better chance he has at getting an STD. To heed to correction would be to stop what he is doing shows that he has no regard for his personal being. The same can be said for any type of sin.
"The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord brings instruction in Wisdom, and humility comes before honor." Proverbs 15:33, Amplified
Two things are found in this verse that we must apply to our daily lives. First we must fear the Lord. As the verse states, it is a reverent and worshipful fear. This fear places us at the feet of our God. It is the same position that Mary took when Martha was complaining. To sit at the feet of Jesus is to receive all that He has to offer us.
Secondly, humility brings honor. This humility is not speaking of something embarrassing happening to you. Rather it is a states of the heart. In the heart, many things can rest on the throne, pride being the most recognized of all. But to give that throne to something else, to someone else is a great act of courage. To give up the throne of the heart and relinquish control is the very antithesis of pride and honor. Humble is the word here that humility to trying to define. As we humble ourselves, He will honor us.
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