Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rich and Poor (Proverbs 13:7)

It is a shameful thing to make ourselves into something that we are not. Who really wants to live their life like they were going to a masquerade ball? But no matter what kind of mask is worn, the Lord sees us for who we really are.

"One man considers himself rich, yet has nothing [to keep permanently]; another considers himself poor, yet has great [and indestructible] riches." Proverbs 13:7, Amplified

There are people in the world who would like you to believe that they are rich. They overspend on houses and cars and toys so that their friends will "ooh & ahh" over the things that they possess. There are others who actually have the money to live extravagantly and they do. But the fact of the matter is that all this stuff is going to burn, it will all be destroyed. Nothing in this life can be taken into the next. I have never seen a U-Haul following a hearse. Riches cloud the heart.
But there are those who consider themselves poor, but they have eternity waiting for them. Their inheritance is indestructible. All they need is Jesus. I have never been a rich man, but the Lord has always provided for my family.
There is also a third way to see this. Just because one is poor does not mean that he is going to heaven. Some people are so stricken by their lot in life that they cannot see the glory of heaven. They feel that "God is the Creator of their fate" and "He is the one to blame." And there are those who are rich who will be going to heaven. The creator of the "dogloo" (a dog house make to look like an igloo) became a millionaire. After this he became very depressed because all people wanted from him was his money. On the verge losing himself, he found he Lord and became a born again Christian. He is the founder of the Christian clothing store "C28".

1 comment:

  1. I never heard that story about C28. I did always think that whoever came up with those igloo doghouses must be making a killing.

    You make an interesting point here about riches. It seems to me that Christians, in general, treat being rich as a curse (unless *they're* rich, but that's a whole other can of worms) and being poor as a blessing. However, being poor can cloud one's vision of the glory of heaven just as much as being rich. The stress of worrying about finding work and paying bills and keeping a roof over your head, things richer people don't worry about so much, can be very distracting from things like reading the Bible or going to church.
