The difference between the foolish and the wise man is their mouth. One is always open.
"The prudent man is reluctant to display his knowledge, but the heart of [self-confident] fools proclaims their folly." Proverbs 12:23, Amplified
What separates the foolish man from the wise and prudent man is only eighteen inches; from heart to head. Whatever knowledge the wise man has collected and stored, he waits to relinquish that knowledge to others. That knowledge might be detrimental to others, it may destroy others, it man hurt others. So his mouth remains closed, because he thinks before he speaks, emotion has little to do with what he thinks.
The foolish man does not care who is hurt by his verbal vomiting. They will spew their filth wherever and upon whomever. The think little about what is to be said because emotion has everything to do with what they think.
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