It is Christmas morning. Almost one year has passed us by again. What does the Lord want us to know this morning?
"He who walks [as a companion] with wise men shall be wise, but he who associates with [self-confident] fools will [be a fool himself and] shall smart for it." Proverbs 13:20, Amplified
It is the company that we keep which defines who we are. Some say that we are a product of our environment. I believe this to be true to a point. Inevitably, we are who we are because of choices that we make. Those choices can definitely be inspired or influenced by the company that we keep.
If the company that we keep is with wise men, then the choices we make will be wiser. This is not just because we want to please the crowd around us, rather it is because of the conversation and make up of the crowd. In High School, everyone became a part of a clique. Whether you liked it or not, we were immediately stereotyped and placed into our peg or we were one of the fortunate ones who almost understood who we were and hung out with the crowd of our own choosing. That crowd influenced our way of life for the next four years. We dressed as they dressed and spoke as they spoke and did as they did because that was the crowd we were with. To surround ourselves with wise a God-fearing persons greatly influences the outcome of our day. As we get older, the stereotypes remain, but we become more self-aware and are able to better define our own beings and associate with the persons of our own choosing.
However, if that crowd be of the foolish persuasion, then we ourselves become fools and act foolishly. "For the foolish person will speak foolishness, and his heart will work iniquity; to practice ungodliness, to utter error against the Lord, to keep the hungry unsatisfied, to cause the drink of the thirsty to fail." (Isaiah 32:6, NKJV) We do have to choice of who we surround ourselves with. It can either be God fearing men and women or foolish men and women. Never forget, however, that we do have the choice. One of the greatest things that the Lord installed inside of man at his inception was free-will. We have the choice.
Merry Christmas
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