Solomon now covers two different things about knowledge and hastiness.
"Desire without knowledge is not good, and to be over-hasty is to sin and miss the mark." Proverbs 19:2, Amplified
Both are actually a little similar to each other. Let me explain. Both have to do with greed.
To desire something and not understand and know about it is just silly. Every child sits in front of the television and tells mom and dad that they want every toy in every commercial. They have no idea about the cost of the toy, or even if they will really like it, but they know that they want it. We can also do this this as adults, only we have the power and the money to act on such impulses. These impulses can lead to horrible investment decisions. So it would be better to lift everything up in prayer and take in as much knowledge about what it is that you desire. It could be the gas mileage on that car you want, or the foundation of the house that you want.
Hastiness is a sister of greed. It makes us hurry to get to a certain point because we are afraid that someone else might get there first. Hastiness turns everything into a race.
We can liken these two parts of the verse to each other in that if we are hasty we are not bathing anything in prayer and were are in danger of missing the mark. An archer does not hasten to release his arrow. Rather he sits patiently waiting for his aim to be precise because he does not want to miss the mark.
In our lives, presumptuous desire and hastiness might just be our down fall.
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