There are those out there who seem to have no problem spewing lies on a daily basis. Rest assured, however, that they will have their day.
"A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he who breathes out lies shall not escape." Proverbs 19:5, Amplified
There are two different implications to this verse. One can read this verse and see the obvious one. But the other is read in the subtext.
Taking a look at the more obvious text in the verse, one sees that a false witness and a liar will be punished. There are even laws established in the Old Testament for the Jew to follow when dealing with a false witness and liar. "If a false witness rises against any man to testify against him of wrongdoing, then both men in the controversy shall stand before the Lord, before the priest and the judges who serve in those days, and the judges shall make careful inquiry, and indeed, if the witness is false, who has testified falsely against his brother, then you shall do to him as he thought to do to his brother; so you shall put away evil from among you." (Deuteronomy 19:16-19, NKJV) Now the funny thing about false witnesses is that they have to be called out, or even just found out. But how are we to know who the false witness is if we are not ourselves submersed in the truth?
The second and more elusive subtext is this: the false witness can be the one going to church and living like hell in his heart. In other words, one has the appearance of being holy, but he himself has not submitted to the Lord. I can only speak for myself in this, but there have bee times when I was the epitome of this verse. SureI served in the church, but my heart was given over to the flesh. I had all the appearances of being a man of God, but my heart was black as night. I realize that if I continue to walk in an unrighteous manner, I will be found out and punished. Not necessarily by man, but the Lord already knows my heart. I do not want what I say about the Lord to be a pack of lies because of the state of my heart. Is the truth really the truth if you yourself do not believe it? I Jesus really a Savior if I have not allowed myself to be saved? I am reminded right now about the Hair Club for Men and the infomercials that used to run on late night television. The spokesperson always that he was "also a client". How can I sell the idea that Jesus is the way if my witness is false? How can I relay the benefits of Christ if I am lying?
Thank you Jesus for being my Savior even when I am not deserving.
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