I know that I have said this before, but it is worth saying again. We have the power to build up or to pull down, to construct or destroy. I am not speaking about the use of hands, rather with the tongue.
"A gentle tongue [with its healing power] is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit." Proverbs 15:4, Amplified
The gentle tongue is like a tree of life, deeply rooted. The tree which has a deep root system is not easily swayed in harsh weather and it is truly satisfied with water that the roots have found deep in the ground. If we are to root ourselves in anything substantial, it must be the Lord for anything else is to shallow and quickly passes. The only way for a tongue to be healing is to be rooted in something that has the ability to heal. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that he could give her living water so that she would never thirst again. This is why we desperately need to be rooted in the Lord to be able to cure the hunger and quench the thirst of a dying world
Willful contrariness is already rooted in the heart of the sinner. It does not need to be taught, for it is instilled in human nature. The heart that has not been touched by the Lord is a hard one and cares only for itself. for this reason, it is ready to break down any spirit in order to advance. There is no need to break a spirit other than to gain dominance or superiority over that being. A wild horse is broken. It's spirit is tamed and becomes domesticated after the breaking.
The world teaches that we should step on anyone we can in order to get ahead. Jesus tells us to take the lower place so that we might be honored by the host. A physician does not go into his office to just have the power to heal. Imagine a doctor sitting in his office and a sick patient comes in needing mending. What if the doctor tells him no because deep inside he is afraid that the man will become better than him? This would be absurd. Or what if the doctor tells the patient the reason he is sick is because of his own doing? Patients go to doctors because they know they can receive healing. Wouldn't it be wonderful if people would come to us because they knew we had the ability to lead them to the One who could heal them? Or because we are gentle and offer words of comfort and are able to take them to the Scriptures and tell them about the love of Jesus.
It has been said that there is six degrees of separation. In other words, we know six people who connect us to the entire world, because they know six people and so on. In just touching those six people, we may have the opportunity to touch the entire world.
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