A nation is defined by it's people, not its leader. However, a successful nation is brought about by a successful leader. In the books of First an Second Samuel, we have defined for us the perfect dichotomy of an unsuccessful king and a successful king. King Saul and King David are two integral parts in the birth of Israel, but one followed the Lord and the other did not. It is no secret which legacy belongs to which king. When a nation's ruler is righteous for the Lord, then the nation will succeed.
"Uprightness and right standing with God [moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation] these elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:43, Amplified
An upright nation is elevated. A nation in right standing with God is exalted. In reading the book of Judges, the nation of Israel goes on a roller coaster ride of freedom and servitude. The nation of Israel was meant to be a Theocracy, different from all the other nations of the world. However, whenever the nation turned itself away from the Lord, He brought another nation to punish them. The nation would then cry out to the Lord, turn from their wicked ways back to the Lord and the Lord would raise a leader to save them from their oppressors. But when that leader died, the same cycle would play out over and over again.
We can say something similar about America. Our leaders are moving slowly away from the things of the Lord to the things of the flesh. just look at the turmoil of California. Two times gay marriage has been on the ballot for the residents to vote on. Two times the voice of conservatives have been heard and gay marriage has not become a legal in California. However, it has been overturned by the Supreme Court once, and is about to go before the court yet again.
This nation was founded upon great moral values and the Christian faith. California is just one example of how this nation is turning away from the Lord. Fifty years ago, the issue would have never been placed on the ballot. But as long as our leaders keep on this path, our nation will slowly deteriorate from the inside out. It is already happening. The signs of the times are here. The Lord is quickly coming back. Our nation is not in the end times prophecies for one of two reasons. Either there will be a nation wide revival and most of the population will be raptured. Or we no longer are the Super Power of the world because the nation falls apart. Every great nation of the world fell apart simply because God was not at the center. One nation rises up to take over another weaker nation. Who will rise up to overtake America, or will we be consumed by our own sin?
Be ready Christian. Make your stance. Stand your ground. The fall of a once great nation will come and may even be happening right before our very eyes.
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