As Solomon moves on in his discourse to his son, he encourages his son to not forsake wisdom. Too many times we see people who are willing to throw wisdom by the wayside. Remember that wisdom is experiential knowledge. If we hold on to that experience, then we will not be doomed to repeat our past.
"My son, forget not my law or teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments..." Proverbs 3:1, Amlpified
This idea of forgetting is a willful oblivion, a blatant disregard. As we read about Rehoboam in the book of the Kings, we see that he forgot the wisdom that his father had bestowed upon him and as a result the Kingdom was divided. But as human beings, we need to be constantly reminded not to forget. This is the reason for my daily devotional. As I go through my days, weeks or months, without reading I tend to forget the goodness, faithfulness and righteousness of the Lord.
Solomon also tells his son to keep his commandments. This is the same word used to describe how discretion and understanding will keep up in Proverbs 2:11.
"For length of days, and years of a life [worth living], and tranquility [inward and outward and continuing through old age till death], these they shall add to you." Proverbs 3:2, Amplified
As we follow wisdom, we find that there are certain life applications that com into play. Long life will be given to the one who follows wisdom. Also the quality of that life gets better as well as the peacefulness of it. How can this ever be a bad thing? Throughout the years we see different men trying to defeat or cheat death. The Greeks immortalized Sisyphus in the pages of mythology as the man who deceived Hades to be able to have an eternal existence on earth. It is rumored that Walt Disney had his head cryogenically preserved; and there are store houses where whole bodies are kept of people who have died waiting for the cure to whatever killed them. This is not the quality of life to which Solomon was referring.
One question that needs to be asked of ourselves is if our lives are worth living? Is there a quality of life that is worth our existence? Because without this quality, there will never be a peace of mind. The acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Savior adds to us long life, quality of life and peace of mind.
"Let no mercy and kindness [shutting out all hatred and selfishness], and truth [shutting out all deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood] forsake you." Proverbs 3:3a, Amplified
In the original King James we find that it was only written to not let mercy or truth be forsaken in our lives. But this addition of kindness does not change anything. What Solomon is trying to convey here is that there is no room for hatred or selfishness in our lives. These two words do not describe a long life, a life of quality or a life of peace. In fact, they are antonyms of this life, direct opposites.
And this truth is a forsaking of any deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood. How many people out there are deliberately deceptive of their fellow man? After Katrina hit Louisiana, different websites were set up to receive relief funds for the hurricane victims. A lot of these websites were set up to steal the money, they fed on the sympathies of many. With truth comes an establishment, a foundation. It is like the house that the third little pig built. His brick house survived the trials an testing that the first two houses did not. It was established, it was safe and because of that the other two little pigs dwelt in safety. The received long life, quality of life and a tranquility of life. Now I know that this story is just an allegory, but how well does it fit into real life scenarios?
"Bind them about your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart..." Proverbs 3:3b, Amplified
It is interesting that Solomon chose this word picture to describe what we should do with wisdom. It should be tied around the neck. As we place something heavy around the neck an undue weight is placed on the upper half of the body. We have to strain to look up, to look forward. But it is because of this undue weight that we develop the strength to do so. And as that newly found wisdom hangs from our neck, it becomes a constant reminder that it is always there, it is impossible to ignore.
We are also to write them on the tablet of our hearts. Writing is a preservation of ideas and thoughts, an archive for the rest of humanity to peruse. The writing on the heart becomes a personal preservation. To know and understand the Word of God so well, that when faced with any situation and answer comes. The heart filters any and all communication. As we take in the world around us, the word written onto the heart becomes a sieve, sifting out the unwanted; and likewise, it also becomes the governor of anything leaving the heart.
"So shall you find favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight [or judgement] of God and man." Proverbs 3:4, Amplified
A we do all this, we see the quality of life improving. When wisdom is bound around the neck and written on the heart, favor comes our way. I do not know anyone who does not enjoy it when favor comes to pay a visit. Not only favor (which is a personal experience) but also high esteem amongst others. As one proves himself to be faithful and truthful, that brick house that he built becomes more and more established. When other house of straw and sticks falter around you, you remain established.
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