The book of Proverbs is a wonderful collection of sayings. It can also be used as a daily devotional. There are 31 chapters in the book and no more than 31 days in a single month, it is the perfect devotion. When I attended U-Turn 4 Christ, a restoration program, we read the Proverbs aloud every morning. then each one chose one particular verse that spoke to us more than the others. We will not be going through the book in 31 days, however. I wanted to spend a little more time and take the book apart piece by piece and section by section
But back to the issue at hand. I chose the book of Proverbs because I always wanted to share my thoughts on the book. It is rich in knowledge and wisdom. I will also be using the Amplified Version of the Bible to unlock even more richness.
"The proverbs [truths obscurely expressed, maxims and parables] of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel." Proverbs 1:1, Amplified
The Proverbs were written by Solomon, king of Israel. In I Kings the Lord appeared to Solomon and told Solomon that He would give him whatever he had asked for. Solomon said, "Give therefore thy servant and understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?" (I Kings 3:9, KJV) Solomon understood his youthfulness and only wanted to understand how to judge the people of Israel. This pleased the Lord so much that He gave him more than that such as riches and honor. It has also been stated that Solomon spoke about 3,000 proverbs (I Kings 4:32).
Like the Amplified version lays out for us, the Proverbs are a collection of obscurely expressed truths. It is my hope, that in these devotions the truth will become less obscure.
"That people may know skill and godly wisdom and instruction, discern and comprehend the words of understand and insight." Proverbs 1:2, Amplified
The next five verses lay out the purpose of the proverbs. The first of the five reason is to know and understand wisdom and instruction. It has been said that wisdom is knowledge gained through experience. Solomon wished to pass that experience on to others, so the book of Proverbs is a place where we can glean from his experience.
It is also to discern and comprehend words of understand and insight. Not only are we to know, but the Lord also wants us to discern. This word discern is a very interesting word; it comes from the French word "discernere". It is a combination of two words, "dis" which means "apart" and "cernere" which means "to separate". The Lord wants us to have the ability to take something apart and understand everything about it.
"Receive instruction in wise dealing and the discipline of wise thoughtfulness, righteousness, justice and integrity." Proverbs 1:3, Amplified
The second purpose is to receive something back from the proverbs. Five things come from reading the proverbs. the first is the instruction in wise dealings. Throughout the proverbs we will come across different verses dealing with unjust balances and our interaction with our fellow man. Also the discipline of thoughtfulness. By nature, man is a very selfish beast. As a Christian we come to the place where we discipline ourselves to think of others first. The next three go hand in hand with each other and cannot come about unless the former is in practice.
Justice cannot be a product of our walks unless first righteousness is put into play. Righteousness is nothing more than a right standing with the Lord, and if we are not right with Him, then how are we to execute justice?
Integrity is a product of righteousness and justice. As we walk in both, those around us will have no leg to stand on when they come to accuse. Integrity is vital to the person of Christ; without integrity one is just labeled a hypocrite.
"That prudence may be given to the simple, and knowledge, discretion and discernment to the youth." Proverbs 1:4, Amplified
This book of the Bible has something for everyone. Not only can the wise become wiser, but the simple can also become wiser. And also, the youth can take away from this book. The young man or woman will be given knowledge, discretion and discernment for their futures. The best thing that one can give to a youth is wisdom. I plan to teach my children and bestow upon them my wisdom, my experiences and send them on their way.
"The wise also may hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding acquire skill and attain to sound counsels [so that he may be able to steer his course rightly]." Proverbs 1:5, Amplified
It is also for the wise and the person of understanding. There will never be a time when we know it all for ourselves, but we are constantly learning more, day by day. The purpose of learning more is to acquire knowledge. The Lord wants us to be able to steer ourselves rightly. Just think of the Bible at your steering wheel and the knowledge of God received through the reading of the Word is the power steering fluid.
"To understand a proverb and a figure of speech or an enigma with its interpretation, and the words of the wise and their dark sayings or riddles." Proverbs 1:6, Amplified
What the parables of Jesus are for the New Testament so the Proverbs are for the Old Testament. The parables were obscured truth that needed to be discerned, truths for the believer. The same can be said for the proverb. Some are more difficult to understand, but with the reading of the proverbs, comes understanding.
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