We are encouraged throughout the Scriptures to always seek out the truth, no matter the cost.
"Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also discernment and judgement, instruction and understanding." Proverbs 23:23, Amplified
When purchasing something, we are essentially committing ourselves to use that item in some fashion. We buy food to eat, toys and video games are to be played with and DVDs are to be watched. Everything that is purchased has a certain intent for the buyer. This is what this verse is speaking to the believer abut truth: seeking it out with the purpose of using it, committing ourselves to the truth that we find.
Committing myself to the truth essentially lost me one of the most lucrative jobs I have ever possessed. However, without that truth, other persons would have been fired for mistakes that management had made. Without that truth I would have never started going back to church again. Without that truth I would have never started this blog. And without that truth I would never be going to school full time.
But the truth is not to be used just willy nilly. With the we must also possess discernment, judgement, instruction and understanding. The truth has the ability to destroy or to build up. Truth is that without Jesus one has no hope but Hell. The other side to that truth is that with Jesus one has the hope of eternal life.
Truth is that outing someone for their misdoings can have a detrimental effect on their lives. But the truth with discernment and understand can bring someone closer to God. The truth is a powerful tool and even becomes more powerful when coupled with instruction and understanding.
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