Advice is a great and wonderful thing to give and receive. But no advice can ever be given that is contrary to the Lord.
"There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel [that can prevail] against the Lord." Proverbs 21:30, Amplified
Over the years, it may seem that this statement does not ring true in America, because we now have laws and practices and government that seems to go directly against the will of God. So is this verse wrong? No. What is says is that nothing will "prevail" against the Lord, it does not mention that man would not try to be contrary to the Lord. It is within our nature. And what he verse is really stating is that whatever counsel that we receive, nothing will be as good as what the Lord would have us do. Take for instance the act of intercourse. The world says that we should do whatever we feel like because if we love someone it can't be wrong. But if we do, there is danger of unwanted pregnancy and even STD's. But he Lord tells us to wait until we are married, what can be wrong with that?
The only reason why the world is so resistant against what the Lord would have us do is that He would have us deny ourselves for just a moment. We are creatures that need and want immediate satisfaction. If you are hungry, go to a drive through or pop a dinner in the microwave. Are you horny, why wait for your wife for there is a plethora of pornographic sites for one to choose from on the net.
Wisdom, understanding and counsel are best is received from the Lord. There is no trickery involved with the Lord, He is black or white and never gray. It is either yes, no or wait. Denial of our desires just makes us appreciate whatever it is we are waiting even more.
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