There is a certain satisfaction that comes to a Christian when he or she is doing the work of the Lord.
"When justice is done it is a joy to the righteous [the upright, in right standing with God]; but to the evil doers it is dismay, calamity and ruin." Proverbs 21:15, Amplified
We are all made in the image of God and built to do His work. When we are within His will and doing these things that He desires, then we are truly happy. It is like the a gear, only meant to perform a singular purpose. It must be placed somewhere specific within the machine. If it is misplaced, then the machine will not act appropriately, if at all. Also, if the gear is used in a different fashion, the result will not produce goodness. A gear will never be a wheel and it will never perform the way a wheel should perform because it is a gear. The same can be said of us. We are never going to be truly happy when we are performing and living in sin because we were created to worship the Lord.
The wicked and evil doers, that justice that is performed by the righteous, will become their undoing. If we are not doing righteous things, then where are we within this spectrum? The answer is simple: if we are not performing the good things of the Lord, then we are performing the sinful things of self.
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