Friday, August 13, 2010

Eyes and Ears (Proverbs 20:12)

God is the Creator of all things. Our bodies are a magnificent representation of His creative abilities.

"The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made both of them." Proverbs 20:12, Amplified

The ear and the eye are the Lord's creation. Neither were formed by accident. "Consider how a complex organ such as the eye evolves over millions of years. Let's assume some mutations have sensitized an area of the skin to light, so that certain areas are more sensitive to light. What good is this? By theory, this has no benefit to the species so would be selected out. But let's suppose it survives, and goes on to develop into an eye, complete with lens, retina, and the muscles needed to focus automatically. How this happens over millions of years is unknown, for unless the entire eye is complete, it is useless. But let's assume it happened; the eye is complete. Without the nerve connecting it to the brain, and the brain being able to process the information, the partially formed eye is useless, and would be selected out since it gives no advantage to the species. How did two eyes develop [though]? What told the species you needed two? Since you wouldn't know the benefits of two eyes working together to provide depth perception unless you already had two, how did this develop?" (Darrin Yeager, Unfinished Works Volume I, pg. 24)
It is no accident that we were formed with eyes and ears that see and hear. Is this to say that the Lord was not involved in the creation of a child who is deaf or blind? Of course not. Our sin nature introduced such birth defects. In fact I feel that those with birth defects have a more powerful testimony for how the Lord shows Himself mighty and powerful in their lives.
But tot the point I intended to reach this morning. The Lord has made both the eyes and ears. Should we not filter what we place inside of them. The movies that we watch, the jokes that we hear. There are many things that we might change in our lives to change for the better in what we watch. Though science tells us that nerves takes electrical impulses to the brain, I say that our eyes and ears have a direct flow if information to the heart. Don' get me wrong. I am just as guilty as the next guy. I, too, need to watch what I watch and listen to. I can attest however, that when I do gauge what I listen to or what I watch, my heart is more in line with the Lord and it is easier for me to make better decisions.

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