Friday, April 9, 2010

Beauty, Wisdom and Glory (Proverbs 16:31)

Age is a gift from the Lord that comes with a conditional wisdom.

"The hoary head is a crown of beauty and glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness - of spiritual and moral rectitude in every area and relation." Proverbs 16:31, Amplified

This "hoary" head is actually speaking of gray hair. Gray hair is a sign of beauty, wisdom and glory. It speaks of someone who has been there and done that. At the feet of the silver-haired grandparent or even parent a child should want to sit and listen to stories.
But this beauty, wisdom and glory comes with a condition. The person having the hoary head must be found in the way of righteousness. I know everyone one has come across that crotchety old person who hates everything and is unhappy with every condition. But there is something different about the elderly who is following the Lord. There is a peace as he or she comes to the end of things. The silver-haired person knows that the beauty, wisdom and glory must be passed on to the next generation. My father was a man who developed gray hair very late in his life. But with that gray hair came a respect and admiration for him because his walk with the Lord had turned for the better. A lifetime of lies and deceit turned into a life of servitude.

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