Thursday, October 8, 2009

Winkers and Talkers (Proverbs 10:10)

In most of the proverbs we see a dichotomy of the righteous and the wicked. Today, this is not the case. For some reason, Solomon desired to just focus on the wicked aspects of man in this proverb. There is, however, in this verse that two different persons will be effected by the wicked.

"He who winks with his eye [craftily and with malice] causes sorrow; the foolish of lips will fall headlong, [but he who boldly reproves makes peace]." Proverbs 10:10, Amplified

There are those who wink with their eyes, whose intent is to cause trouble. I remember watching a movie a long time ago and seeing someone on the big screen wink at someone else. I had asked my mother what that meant and she explained it to me. She said, "They knew something that no one else knew." As kids we tended to use the wink a lot when playing pranks. That wink was used to allow that other person to not blurt out the truth because we knew that they knew. But putting childish things aside we turn to the adult. I have never seen an adult take on this type of behavior, but it is not really the behavior that we are after, it is the intent of the heart. His whole demeanor is to cause harm, his intent is to hurt.
But the foolish of lips will fall. This is that word "prating" again. The babble will be sealing his own fate. He is the talker that just will not shut up. The one who winks with his eyes are a little more covert, their intent is not to be caught. But the prater will be known by everyone. When the mouth opens, heads will turn and eyes will focus. It seems that there is also no shame with the prater.
In the second set of brackets, though it may be a truism, does not appear in the other texts. If we are to reprove the prater and the winker, then yes peace is a product. I feel that maybe the author of the Amplified Version saw what I saw, the was no dichotomy in this verse. There does not always have to be that dichotomy in life, however. Sometimes we just need our attention drawn to the good or to the bad.

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